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a semi-annual dinner party for the moms that need a break minus the kids


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Hey mama!

If we're being honest, most of the time, we're past the point of needing a break and find ourselves overstimulated, overworked, and over it. If you're like me, reserving a night out for a good meal and a cocktail is a great remedy for trying to keep up living the #momlife. And there's nothing like doing it with your mom friends 💁🏽‍♀️ As we juggle various components on this journey all while trying to keep it cute, I've learned the importance of not doing it alone which is why I created MNO, a semi-annual dinner party to enjoy the fellowship of other mom friends.

Whether you’re a cool mom, a regular mom, a tired mom, or a busy mom, there’s a place for you here as we make shifts together, one conversation at a time.

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